Weatherradar 20833
Weatherradar 20833

At large scales, the use of Earth observation (EO) technologies is the only viable approach. Mapping the extent of the main constituents of savannah land cover is, therefore, essential to regional efforts to protect and manage savannahs. Our findings can provide much needed assistance to land cover monitoring efforts to savannahs in general, and in particular to southern African savannahs, where a number of land cover change processes have been related with the observed land degradation in the region. Our main conclusion is that the combination of metrics from different sensors and seasons improves results and should be the preferred methodological pathway for accurate savannah land cover mapping, especially now with the availability of Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 data. The SAR-only models were capable of mapping woody cover effectively, achieving similar or lower omission and commission errors than the optical models, but other classes were detected with lower accuracies. The highest overall accuracy is achieved by the model that incorporates both optical and synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) data from both dry and wet seasons with an overall accuracy of 91.1% (☑.7%): this is almost a 10% improvement from using only the dry season Landsat data (81.7 ± 2.3%).

weatherradar 20833

Our results show that a number of models perform well and very similarly. We test the performance of 15 different models comprised of combinations of optical and radar data from the dry and wet seasons. The study area is in southern Africa, covering approximately 44,000 km 2. We address this issue by employing Landsat and Advanced Land Observing Satellite Phased Array type L-band Synthetic Aperture Radar (ALOS PALSAR) data to assess the accuracy of mapping the main savannah land cover types of woody vegetation, grassland, cropland and non-vegetated land.

weatherradar 20833

However, conflicting reports with regards to the effectiveness of the different approaches have emerged, leaving the respective land cover mapping community with unclear methodological pathways to follow. By far the most common practice has been the use of Landsat optical bands, but some studies have also used vegetation indices or SAR data. Recent attempts have employed Earth observation data, either from optical or radar sensors, and most commonly from the dry season when the spectral difference between woody vegetation, crops and grasses is maximised. Accurately mapping savannah land cover at the regional scale can provide useful input to policy decision making efforts regarding, for example, bush control or overgrazing, as well as to global carbon emissions models.

Weatherradar 20833